- Institute of Mathematics
- Institute of Mechanics
- Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems
- Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory
- Institute of Applied Problems of Physics
- Institute for Physical Research
- Center for Ecological Noosphere Studies
- Institute of Biochemistry
- Institute of Botany
- "Armbiotechnology" Scientific and Production Center NAS RA
- Institute of Biotechnology Scientific and Production Center “Armbiotechnology”
- “Institute of Microbiology” Scientific and Production Center “Armbiotechnology”
- "Center of Microbial Depository" "Armbiotechnology" Scientific and Production Center
- Institute of Molecular Biology
- Institute of Physiology after L. Orbeli
- Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology
- Scientific Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry of Scientific - Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Institute of Organic Chemistry of Scientific - Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Molecular Structure Research Center of Scientific - Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Institute of Chemical Physics
- Institute of Geological Sciences
- Institute of Geophysics and Engeneering Seismology after A. Nazarov of NAS RA
- Institute of History
- Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law
- M.Kotanyan Institute of Economics
- Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography
- Institute of Oriental Studies
- H. Acharian Institute of Language
- M.Abeghyan Institute of Literature
- Institute of Art
- Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide
- Shirak Armenological Research Center
- Middlesex University (London),
- Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen, Scotland),
- University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Parma University (Italy),
- University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Rezekne Higher Education Institution (Latvia),